It’s commonly said that faith is spelled R-I-S-K. And it’s true. We grow in faith with the essential element of risk, like dough that only rises with yeast. Reading from our comfy couches will not do it. Pontificating on faith that can move mountains, or simply being inspired by others, won’t do it. He grows our amazing, intricate faith one person at a time as we actually choose to risk and live the adventure with Him. Sometimes in corporate settings or movements, but still, always always – with his eye on the individual.

Stepping out in faith looks like putting yourself in a place where God has to come through – there is no planB. It is putting all your eggs in His basket. Because I have faith that God is a healer and loves to heal people, I pray for their healing. I tithe and give money away because I have faith that God is my provider and has unlimited resources. I hope for my crazy wonderful blended family, I press on for their wholeness and healing, because I know God has a pretty crazy family too and is the ultimate creative strategist. I have faith that He also heals hearts, and memories – and can redeem absolutely everything.

So I keep asking God to help us live our unexpected lives with the highest faith quotient possible. I fix my eyes not on our situation or our limited abilities and shortcomings, but on Him. His goodness and new mercies and power to create new life. This means I believe He is able to do not only more than I myself can do, but truly more than I can even ask or imagine – and I can imagine pretty big! It means I keep Him in His rightful place in our lives – as Lord. I remind myself daily of who He is, and His ways. All the times He’s come through, the rescues, the provision, the personal encounters, the new life, the resurrection power. Knowing there is still so much more to come.

Whatever your faith is like today, give that to Him. Exactly as it is. There is never a need to pretend with Him; He already knows and loves you just right where you’re at! Ask Him to tend it – to water it and grow it. Then look for opportunities to risk in your own life, with your own family and unexpected circumstances. Listen to Him, quiet as the voice might seem at first. Trust Him. Act on the things you say you believe about who He actually is and what He can actually do. He will show up. Live the real adventure with Him – this is the playing field.